Is my child too ill for school

Children with good attendance at school do better! Pupils cannot achieve their full potential if they do not regularly attend school. We want every child to maximise the educational opportunities available to them and being in school, every day, is the best way to do this.

The government target for attendance is at least 96%

Improving attendance and punctuality and reducing persistent absence is a key driver in our school development plan this year and we will be monitoring pupil absence very closely to help us to do this.


Every day counts!
Above 97% = Less than 6 days absence a year Excellent attendance! Children who are achieving above 97% will almost certainly get the best outcomes they can, leading to better prospects for their future.
96% = 8 days absence a year Good attendance! These children are likely to achieve good outcomes and have good future prospects.
90% = 19 days absence a year Children who are missing this much time off will be absent for almost 1 month per school year, making it very difficult for them to achieve their best. This is a real concern for us!
85% = 29 days absence a year Children missing this much time off will be absent for almost 6 weeks per school year, making it extremely difficult for them to keep up with their work. These children are very unlikely to achieve their best and are likely to experience poor self-esteem because they are getting behind their peers
80% = 38 days absence a year Children who are constantly missing this much time off will be absent for almost 1 ½ full years over the 7 years of primary education, making it impossible to keep up with work and dramatically limiting future prospects. 

Absence from school

If your child is going to be absent from school, you must contact school on the first day of the absence by 9.30am. You should telephone the school’s attendance officer, Melanie Sinclair, on either direct tel no – 478014 or use the school’s main line telephone number 341466. Parents can also email at  

Parents will be expected to provide an explanation for the absence and an estimation of how long the absence will last. 

Illness or medical appointments

If your child is unable to come to school because they are ill please call and then an explanation can be put onto their register.  It would be impossible to expect that children will not miss school through illness, as this cannot be avoided.  For this reason it is essential that children are only kept away from school if they are really unfit to attend.  Minor illnesses, coughs or sore throats can always be treated effectively with a child painkiller and do not always warrant time away from school.  If your child is genuinely poorly at school we will call you to collect them.

 If they are ill for a number of days we ask that you contact us daily to keep us updated.  

Medical evidence will be required, such as a doctor’s appointment or medication given.

Where possible please organise medical appointments outside of school hours.  If this is not possible, bring a copy of the appointment to the school office and this can then be put on your child’s register.


In line with Government guidelines no holidays are authorised during term time.  Holidays over 5 days will be liable to a penalty notice. The children have the equivalent of 14 weeks of holiday outside of term time this academic year and we would encourage you to book family holidays only during school holiday time.  

Acknowledging outstanding, good and improving attendance and punctuality

  • All punctual and high attending children (96%+) are entered into our attendance and punctuality prize draw every term. 
  • Dojo points will be awarded and postcards are sent home
  • Good and excellent attendance and punctuality is celebrated at Friday’s Achievement Assembly. 
  • Extra playtime is granted to classes achieving 97%+ each week 
  • Each half term, the best attended and/or punctual class in Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 receive £25 for the class to spend on democratically agreed ‘luxuries’! 
  • We celebrate 100% attendance by presenting children with award certificates and prizes as well as inviting the children to attend the annual Blackpool Pupil Welfare Service party celebration

If you are at all worried or have any difficulties regarding your child’s attendance please come and speak to us at school.  We work closely with the local Pupil Welfare Service to offer support to families to help identify the reasons for poor attendance and to support you to resolve any difficulties you are experiencing. 

Thank you in anticipation of your support in helping us to ensure the very best for your child.