At Thames Primary Academy, we want children to have a strong connection to their local, national and international history. We aim to deliver a curriculum that reflects these connections, diving deep into the knowledge of different eras, people and places. We aim to provide the children with a rich variety of learning opportunities that are meaningful and valuable to their understanding of their local and global community through time.
Our History curriculum seeks to provide children with a strong and confident understanding of the UK, as well as the development of other countries from ancient times to more recent history. It is a curriculum that develops the children’s thirst for knowledge and motivates their learning. The curriculum is deliberately not taught in “chronological” order in an attempt to build the skills within students of creating timelines and understanding that periods and civilisations overlap.
The History curriculum at Thames mirrors the design concept of the Geography curriculum – starting local in terms of time and place with a historical investigation of the school, the local community and the period in which the school was built and then scaling up. In Geography the core ideas are ideas of scale and place and in history this is about time. There is also some knowledge connectivity between the history and geography content to maximise the schema of students.
Links to Whole School Drivers
- Community – drawing on our local area and the people in it as a primary historical source, building a strong sense of place and change over time.
- Possibilities- looking at historical figures and significant events through time, exposing pupils to others lives in order to reflect on how they might impact on the world in their own life time.
- Communication- pupils will have consistent opportunities to review, reflect and share their historical understanding through a rich, shared dialogue.
- Healthy Advocates- what can we learn about keeping healthy, both in body and mind from lessons from the past?
We aspire to develop our children’s vocabulary, knowledge, oracy and understanding of their history. We support them in understanding the past as they move into the future, developing them into confident and understanding citizens. We also want to develop our children’s awareness of diversity throughout history, both within our national history but also the international history of other countries and cultures. We hope that this will make our children aware of the racial inequality throughout the world’s history.
The evolution of every pupil as a historian runs throughout our curriculum, specifically the development of the skills of being a historian; gathering evidence, examining artefacts, using primary and secondary sources and undertaking research.