Year 1

Welcome to Year 1

Year 1 is your child’s introduction into a more formal education and with this in mind we work very closely with our reception team to ensure the transition from Reception to Year 1 is a smooth and successful one for your child.

Year 1 builds on the foundation skills of learning, which children achieve during their Reception Year, empowering them to become independent, inquisitive learners.

A typical day in Year 1 is a busy one, consisting of Maths and Read Write Inc each morning followed by Topic activities and continuous provision after lunch.
We have lots of fun learning in Year 1!

Year 1 Curriculum OverviewEnd-of-year Expectations


Keep up to date with everything that is going on in your child’s classrom via our private class Facebook groups. Ask your child’s teacher for more information on how to join the group if you haven’t already.