Keep up to date with everything that is going on in your child’s classrom via our private class Facebook groups. Ask your child’s teacher for more information on how to join the group if you haven’t already.
Learning in Year 5 is much more independent, however we love to have the opportunity to work in groups to build up to our independent learning. We are constantly developing our teamwork skills by working together in teams during learning time, but also by earning Dojo points for our class houses that can eventually earn us rewards!
We love to celebrate work in Year 5, and you will see lots of work displayed in our classrooms which will constantly be changing, to keep up with the work that we are doing. There is an exciting year ahead, and I hope you are ready to embark on the journey with us.
Keep up to date with everything that is going on in your child’s classrom via our private class Facebook groups. Ask your child’s teacher for more information on how to join the group if you haven’t already.